How To Make Sure Your Child's Electric Toothbrush Is Safe To Use

Dentist Blog

Electric toothbrushes are generally a good choice for children. They can help to clear away plaque and bacteria better than traditional, manual brushes, and some children enjoy using an electric brush better than a manual brush. With that being said, however, it's important for parents to make sure that their children's toothbrushes are in good condition prior to use. Here are four tips for making sure your child's electric toothbrush is safe to use.

29 December 2016

Get Rid Of Bad Breath Before You Scare People Away

Dentist Blog

If you have bad breath regularly, then you will of course want to do everything in your power to put that bad breath in your past. Bad breath can leave you feeling self-conscious about getting too close to other people, and this can be a real hindrance, especially if you work in a field that requires you to be close to others, such as the medical field. Learn about 4 things you can do to help combat this issue by reading this article.

15 December 2016

Six Reasons For Sharp, Searing Tooth Pain

Dentist Blog

Tooth pain can be terribly debilitating, preventing you not only from eating, but from engaging in basic activities like work and athletics. If your tooth is painful, it's important to call your dentist so he or she can get to the bottom of what's causing the pain. Here's a look at some likely culprits. Cavities Cavities don't usually cause pain when they're really small, but if they're not detected early, they erode all of the way through the tooth enamel and start exposing the nerves in your tooth.

29 November 2016

2 Ways That Same-Day Crowns Can Benefit You

Dentist Blog

Having to get a new crown applied to one of your teeth is a very common situation, but it can also be a bit inconvenient as well due to how long it can take to complete the procedure. Most crown procedures will typically take several days or weeks to complete due to the fact that the dentist often has to wait for a dental lab to manufacture and ship the crown to him or her.

8 November 2016

Should Nitrous Oxide Be Used During Your Child's Dentist Appointment?

Dentist Blog

When your child needs to have dental work done, especially when surgery is involved, it will be very unnerving for everyone. Thankfully, there are sedation dentistry techniques that can help relieve that anxiety and fear your child may be experiencing. One technique is to use nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas. But is it a safe form of sedation dentistry for your child? Here is what you need to know.

20 October 2016

Dealing With A Loved One's Dementia Diagnosis? Use These Tips To Help Them Enjoy Better Dental Health

Dentist Blog

Dealing with dementia is one of the worst parts of caring for a loved one as they age. In addition to assisting them with basic needs, such as meals, cleaning ,and shopping, many caregivers also find themselves having to assist with personal hygiene tasks, such as ensuring their loved one changes their clothes, showers frequently and addresses their dental care needs. If your loved one wears dentures and is unable or unwilling to care for them properly, you may also need to assist them in caring for their dentures, as well as helping with other oral hygiene needs to ensure they enjoy the best possible dental health.

30 September 2016

Is Getting A Crown That Bad?

Dentist Blog

Having a crown put into your mouth is a great way to cover up unsightly metal fillings. At the same time, a crown might be necessary if you had a large filling or root canal where the majority of the tooth was removed. Many people fear all types of dentist work and believe that getting a crown will be a rough process. In fact, crown installation is probably the easiest part of the process, especially if you just had a root canal.

29 September 2016

2 Reasons To Consider Sedation Dentistry

Dentist Blog

One of the best resources available to you if you need dental work is sedation dentistry, mostly because of the many benefits that it can provide. Sedation dentistry can range from simply putting you on the edge of consciousness so that you can relax during the procedure to making you completely unconscious. Listed below are two reasons to consider sedation dentistry.  Lets You Avoid Multiple Appointments One of the best reasons to consider sedation dentistry is the fact that it can allow you to have multiple dental procedures completed during a single appointment, rather than having them spread out across several days, weeks, or months.

14 September 2016

What To Do When You Need To See The Dentist And You Don't Have Insurance

Dentist Blog

Few things can ruin your day like a bad toothache.  Although each tooth makes up a very small fraction of your body, the pain can be so excruciating that you can't think about anything else.  The situation becomes even more dire when you realize that your home remedies aren't working and you need to see the dentist, but you don't have insurance.  You may think that you just can't squeeze the money out of your budget and that you don't know how you'll get relief.

25 August 2016

What You Need To Know About Braces Colors

Dentist Blog

Like it or not, braces and the colored bands that are used to pull your teeth into alignment draw attention to your teeth. By choosing the right band colors, you can make your teeth appear whiter. However, choosing the wrong color can accentuate any stains or discoloration you may have. So, before you visit your orthodontist, learn how to choose a band color that complement your pearly whites. Keep Your Braces Neutral

4 August 2016