Reasons That You May Need Braces Again As An Adult

Dentist Blog

If you're an adult who had braces as a teenager — perhaps several decades ago — it may be possible that you're interested in getting braces again. While most people who get braces do so only once, there are some individuals for whom getting braces a second time can be a reality. If you think that braces may be appropriate to help your smile, speak to your orthodontist — making sure to let him or her know that you had braces in the past.

19 April 2019

Is Your Child Worried About Their Braces Being Noticeable?

Dentist Blog

While braces can do an amazing job at fixing the most challenging teeth, the appearance while wearing them is incredibly noticeable. The look of braces may be enough of a problem that your child is fighting you on having them put on. Be aware of the following ways that braces can be less noticeable. Use Plastic Aligning Trays The method that is the least noticeable is using plastic aligning trays. The orthodontist will create a series of trays made out of clear plastic that need to be swapped out every two weeks.

19 March 2019

Have A Problem With Tartar? Know What You Can Do About It

Dentist Blog

Many people suffer from a problem with tartar on their teeth. This substance builds up very fast, and eventually causes the teeth to become discolored by turning yellow. You can prevent this from happening by fighting tartar in several ways. Brush Your Teeth Properly You may be brushing your teeth, but are you doing it correctly? This means brushing twice every day for two minutes, covering each part of your mouth equally.

19 February 2019

Concerned About Your Nighttime Dry Mouth Affecting Your Dental Health? Here Are Some Things To Try

Dentist Blog

When you visit your family dentist for a general checkup and cleaning, he or she may make a comment about the dryness of your mouth. While most peoples' mouths are damp environments, some people routinely suffer from dry mouths. This issue can occur for several reasons, including dehydration and the use of certain medications, and it may also be an issue if you're an open-mouth sleeper. As far as your dental health goes, a dry mouth can be detrimental because it can potentially elevate your risk of cavities and gum disease.

22 January 2019

Time For Holiday Fun? How To Protect Your Dental Crowns During The Festivities

Dentist Blog

Now that the holiday festivities have begun, it's time to start thinking about dental safety, especially if you have crowns. Your dental crowns are susceptible to damage during the winter holidays. In addition to scheduling a trip to the dentist during the holidays, you should also follow the tips provided here. These tips will help protect your crowns and keep your teeth safe. Use a Mouth Guard for Outdoor Activities

11 December 2018

Oral Wellness Tips To Keep Your Teeth And Gums In Their Best Shape

Dentist Blog

Good oral health practices are an important part of managing your entire body's health and wellness. When you experience oral decay or inflamed gums, it can not only cause you discomfort, but it can lead to receding gums, tooth loss, and eventually allow infection to enter your bloodstream and move to other areas of your body, such as the lining around your heart. Here are some recommendations for you to keep your oral health in its best condition to prevent oral decay, soft tissue inflammation, and damage to your gums.

12 November 2018

Four Ways to Encourage Good Dental Hygiene in Your Child

Dentist Blog

When kids are young, they are learning and building lifelong habits that will follow them into adulthood. Set your child up for a lifetime of good dental hygiene by using these four tips: 1. Limit junk food. Candies, cakes, and cookies are enjoyable treats, but it's important to eat them in moderation. Sugar is bad for your teeth since it can lead to tartar buildup that calcifies into cavity-causing plaque. Limit your child's consumption of junk food, and encourage him to rinse his mouth after consuming snacks.

17 October 2018