The 5 Steps To Getting Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

If you are planning to get dental implants either to support your dentures or to replace a broken or missing tooth with a dental crown, you should know that the dental implant process is made up of five steps. These five steps are completed over the course of several visits and can take several months to complete. Below you can learn more about each of these five steps.  Step 1: Getting Molds/Dental Impressions Taken

24 October 2022

Abutment Teeth for Dental Bridges: Can Any Existing Tooth Do the Job?

Dentist Blog

You're probably already familiar with the word, but what's an abutment in terms of dentistry? To put it simply, it's a tooth (or a tooth root) that supports or stabilizes a dental prosthesis, such as a denture or dental bridge. So if you're about to receive a dental bridge, your dentist will want to discuss your abutment tooth (or teeth) with you.  Solid Support Dental bridges are used to replace multiple missing teeth and are connected to the remaining natural teeth at either end of the gap.

21 September 2022

What Facial Service Treatments Do Some Dentists Provide?

Dentist Blog

When we think of going to a dentist, it is common to only think of the care he provides to keep the teeth looking healthy and clean. However, some dentists provide additional care that not only keeps the teeth looking healthy, but also improves the appearance of the smile and often the entire face. These services are sometimes performed in what is known as dental spas. These are some of the facial treatment services that some dentists provide.

17 August 2022

2 Reasons You Need Orthodontic Treatment: Straight Teeth For A Better Smile

Dentist Blog

It's no secret that a beautiful smile can boost your confidence and make you feel more attractive. But did you know that having straight teeth is also important for your oral health? In fact, crooked teeth can lead to several dental problems, which is why orthodontic treatment is so important. Here are two reasons why you need this treatment. Crowded Teeth Crowded teeth are one of the most common dental problems that people experience.

14 July 2022

Do These 4 Things Before Scheduling Emergency Dental Treatment

Dentist Blog

Dental emergencies can cause significant pain and worry. After all, no one ever likes to discover that there's a problem with their teeth. Fortunately, dentists are available to help patients with their dental emergencies whenever they arise. When you experience dental pain or trauma, you may wonder whether or not you need immediate care. Performing some basic troubleshooting can help you determine whether or not you need emergency dental care. These are four things you can try before calling your dentist for an emergency dental appointment:

6 June 2022

3 Different Types of Dental Implant Restoration

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are prosthetic replacements for natural teeth surgically placed in the jawbone when you have missing teeth. Implants can support dental crowns, bridges, or dentures. Read on for three types of dental implant restorations: 1. Single Tooth Dental Implant A single tooth dental implant restoration is a treatment to replace a missing tooth. It is an alternative to a bridge. A single tooth dental implant consists of three parts:

25 April 2022

Why Immediately Replacing A Missing Tooth With An Implant Is In Your Best Interests

Dentist Blog

It's logical to think of dental implants as something that requires time to plan. From removing an unsalvageable tooth to deciding that an implant is the best replacement option, to having implantation surgery, to having the implant's prosthetic tooth attached—the whole process takes several months. But there are some emergency situations when dental implant services can be useful, with the implant immediately replacing a missing tooth. The Tooth Is History 

16 March 2022