Symptoms Of A Gum Infection And Dental Care Treatment Options

Dentist Blog

Gum infections are caused by oral bacteria, however, following a good regimen of brushing and flossing can help prevent infection-causing bacteria from building up inside your mouth. Poor oral hygiene can cause plaque to harden into tartar which is difficult to remove. When tartar builds up under your gums, it can lead to an infection. Here are some symptoms of a gum infection and some effective dental care treatment options. 

10 July 2023

Why You May Need Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are a popular tooth replacement option. They look and feel natural and can last a lifetime. That is why more and more people are opting for dental implants. You may even benefit from them.  Here are a few reasons why you may need dental implants. You Lost a Tooth If you have a missing tooth from a car accident or dental disease, you may feel self-conscious about it. The good news is that a dental implant can replace your missing tooth.

24 April 2023

4 Custom Dental Appliances Manufactured In Dental Laboratories

Dentist Blog

Dental appliances are sometimes required for cosmetic and restorative dental work. When your dentist decides that you can benefit from a dental appliance, they will first gather the necessary information by taking impressions, performing x-rays, and taking photos of your teeth. This information will then be sent to a dental laboratory where materials such as porcelain, titanium, and zirconia will be used to create permanent or removable dental appliances that are custom-fitted to your mouth.

24 April 2023

Common Questions About Getting Dental X-Rays

Dentist Blog

Do you have an appointment to visit your dentist, and they will be taking dental x-rays? You may have a few of these common questions about x-rays before you go to your appointment.  Are X-rays Safe?   Many people are concerned about whether dental x-rays are safe to have taken. While exposure to radiation is never ideal, every time an x-ray is taken a doctor needs to weigh the pros against the cons.

21 March 2023

Two Reasons A Root Canal Is Better Than Extraction

Dentist Blog

Depending on the cause of your tooth pain, a dentist may recommend you either have the tooth pulled or undergo a root canal. Despite the bad rap root canals have in popular media, here are two reasons why you should opt to undergo one rather than have your tooth removed completely. No Harmful Gaps The problem with tooth extraction is it creates a gap in the mouth. You may think this is only an issue if one of your front teeth were removed—thus impacting the look of your smile—but a missing tooth anywhere can negatively affect how your mouth functions.

10 February 2023

Information You'll Want To Know About The Dental Implant Procedure

Dentist Blog

If you're thinking about getting dental implants, but you're a little squeamish at the idea of having surgery, talk to your dentist about the procedure and what you can expect. You might also want to talk to someone who has had an implant to get their view of the experience. You'll probably find this information puts your mind at ease that the procedure isn't painful or hard to go through. Here's a quick overview of the dental implant procedure.

6 January 2023

What Benefits Will You Gain From A Dental Cleaning?

Dentist Blog

A significant percentage of the population visits the dentist less often than they ought. Consequently, they do not get the most out of preventative dental health care services that could safeguard the life and service of their teeth. One of the services you can get from a competent dentist is tooth cleaning. Unfortunately, many overlook this in the belief that brushing is enough to keep their teeth healthy. However, many additional benefits come from dental cleanings at the clinic.

29 November 2022