Symptoms Of A Gum Infection And Dental Care Treatment Options

Dentist Blog

Gum infections are caused by oral bacteria, however, following a good regimen of brushing and flossing can help prevent infection-causing bacteria from building up inside your mouth. Poor oral hygiene can cause plaque to harden into tartar which is difficult to remove. When tartar builds up under your gums, it can lead to an infection. Here are some symptoms of a gum infection and some effective dental care treatment options. 

Gum Infection Symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of gum infections are red, swollen gums that typically bleed easily. The bleeding may occur when you brush your teeth or chew. Advanced gum infections may cause your gums to bleed spontaneously, or "out of the blue," for no apparent reason. Other symptoms may include receding gums, a bad taste in your mouth, pus draining from your gum tissue, painful gums, and loose teeth.

If not recognized and treated, gum infections can cause systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, and loss of appetite, as well as changes in your bite that can lead to malocclusion. You may also notice that your gums look dry and spongy, instead of firm and smooth. Advanced gum infections may also make your teeth look longer as a result of gum recession.

Dental Care Treatments For Gum Infections

Your dentist may prescribe a course of antibiotics coupled with an antimicrobial oral rinse to eliminate your infection so that your gum tissue can heal. For a severe gum infection, your dentist may recommend a consultation with a periodontist, a specialist that focuses on diagnosing and treating gum diseases.

The periodontist may recommend periodontal laser treatments to manage your infection. During this procedure, the periodontist uses a special laser to remove damaged gum tissue and to get rid of the bacteria that has accumulated under your gum line.

Periodontal laser treatments are non-invasive and do not require any incisions. More frequent teeth cleaning appointments will also help treat stubborn gum infections. In addition to traditional teeth cleanings, your dentist may recommend a type of deep cleaning treatment that is known as a scaling and root planing procedure. 

If you develop any of the above signs or symptoms of a gum infection, seek prompt dental care. Doing so will help decrease your symptoms and prevent the infection from spreading. It may also help reverse existing gum tissue damage caused by your infection which will help prevent loose teeth and tooth loss. 

Reach out to a local dental care clinic to learn more.


10 July 2023

Give Yourself the Gift of a Beautiful Smile

If you are someone who hesitates to open your mouth when you smile because you are embarrassed about your teeth, you should know that there are a number of cosmetic techniques that can give you a beautiful smile you will be proud to show to the world. As a cosmetic dentist, I have seen many clients transform their lives simply by fixing their smiles. This blog is meant to encourage people to find out about the possibilities in cosmetic dentistry so they can feel good about their smiles. A beautiful, confident smile really can change your life. I would love to show you how.