The Health Consequences Of Untreated Periodontal Disease

Dentist Blog

You've probably heard people say that if you don't take care of your teeth, other parts of your body will suffer. They aren't making up that information to scare you--it's actually true. If you have untreated periodontal disease, then this disease can cause serious health consequences over time, including: Negative Effects On Your Heart If left untreated for too long, periodontal disease can cause heart disease or it can make existing heart conditions worse.

14 January 2015

Is A Single Tooth Dental Implant The Best Choice For You?

Dentist Blog

If you are missing a tooth, you want to look into what options are available to you. One good option you may want to consider is going with a single tooth dental implant. These implants will replace your tooth in a permanent manner. They look, feel and function just as your natural teeth do. If you're interested in learning more about single implants to decide whether or not they are right for you, you'll find the information below helpful:

5 January 2015