How To Reduce Gingivitis In Four Easy Steps

Dentist Blog

Gingivitis is the entry stage to gum disease and can be reversed at home if you know what to do. Cutting off gingivitis before it becomes severe is something that can help to protect your overall oral health. If you know that you have gingivitis and need to know what to do to control it, give these tips a try.


Flossing may not be something many people want to do, but it's not a step that can or should be skipped. Flossing removes the plaque and bacteria from between your teeth and under your gumline that can contribute to or even trigger gum disease. If you're not flossing at least daily, you need to start right away.

Gum Stimulator

Gum stimulators are dental tools that have a small rubber tip with a point at the end. You use this tip to gently rub your gums and to gently clean under your gumline. When used correctly, gum stimulators can help to improve circulation in your gums and can help to get plaque and bacteria out from under the gumline, which can be tricky even with floss. If you've never used one of these tools before, ask your dentist to show you how to ensure that you don't hurt your gums.

Circular Brushing

How you brush your teeth really does make a difference in your overall oral health, including the health of your gums. Brushing from side to side doesn't do a good job of getting between teeth, and brushing up and down isn't the best for keeping your teeth clean. Instead, always brush while making a circular motion.

Circles help to keep your teeth as clean as possible while also ensuring that the bristles of your toothbrush get between your teeth and really clear out food debris and plaque. Make sure that you're flossing after you brush, and use your gum stimulator. If there's too much build-up between your teeth, the bristles of your toothbrush may not be able to adequately squeeze in between your teeth.


Lastly, mouthwash can be a great help in curbing gingivitis. Most mouthwash varieties are designed to kill nearly all bacteria, and an excess of bacteria is what leads to gingivitis. By flushing away the bacteria after you finish flossing, massaging, and brushing your teeth and gums, you can slow down the growth at which the bacteria comes back, helping to give your gums more time to heal and recover between brushings.

These tips may seem simple, but the reality is, most people can defeat gingivitis just by adhering to standard dental care at home. If you have difficulty with these steps or don't experience improvement, visit a dentist immediately. This may indicate that your gum disease has progressed beyond gingivitis and now requires professional care.


3 July 2018

Give Yourself the Gift of a Beautiful Smile

If you are someone who hesitates to open your mouth when you smile because you are embarrassed about your teeth, you should know that there are a number of cosmetic techniques that can give you a beautiful smile you will be proud to show to the world. As a cosmetic dentist, I have seen many clients transform their lives simply by fixing their smiles. This blog is meant to encourage people to find out about the possibilities in cosmetic dentistry so they can feel good about their smiles. A beautiful, confident smile really can change your life. I would love to show you how.